We are not affiliated/ associated with any government/private Agency/Department/Company. We provide a platform for accessing up to date government job information.

The logos displayed on our website belong to their respective owners. We do not claim ownership of any agency’s logo, nor do we suggest any endorsement from them.

It is crucial to double-check all job-related information from the official websites of the government agencies. While we strive to provide accurate details, it’s always best to verify them from official sources.

Please understand that we cannot guarantee or warranty any employment opportunities. Our platform is designed to provide job information and help with the application process, but the final decision rests with the government agencies.

We take security seriously, but it’s important for users to be cautious of spoofing and phishing attempts. Please be careful and avoid sharing sensitive information with suspicious sources.

Sarkarijobs365 may contain links of other sites. We are not responsible for privacy guidelines of other sites.

By using our website, you agree to abide by these terms of service.

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please feel free to write us at jobssarkari365.com .

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